The discourse on anger is long and complex. We start with a first post that we will need to put a few fixed points
First of all, an important distinction: anger is an emotion. Which then can turn into aggressive behavior.
Anger is an emotion that everyone feels, usually when someone else behaves badly with us. Usually, the more serious the behavior of others, the more we get angry.
When someone tries to kill us, for example, we are very very angry, and thank goodness that the transition to aggression is automatic. So we defend ourselves and stay alive.
The matter is born in the ocean, when in the evolution of life the small fish began not only to be afraid of the big fish, but also to get angry with him. And trying to hurt him, somehow.
Simplifying a little:
I'm afraid because you want me to eat, so I try to escape
But if I'm cornered, I get angry and try to hurt you as much as possible!
Anger that becomes aggression. Aggression is a defensive behavior that has the function of keeping us alive by doing as much harm as possible to the aggressor.
But we human beings get angry (and a lot) disproportionately. And this leads us to an aggression (mostly verbal) that has no advantage. Rather, it often complicates things absurdly. I hope that the reader has seen The big Lebowski and knows this fantastic scene:
This is a movie, and we laugh. But if it becomes a way of life there is only to cry.
But then when you get angry, what should you do? Keep everything inside? Of course not!!!
But rarely it is advisable to become aggressive.
The cathartic theory of anger ("Let the anger come out, like lava from a volcano!") is, scientifically speaking, bullshit. In the next post we will see the heavy limits of the catarthic theory. For now, this: you need to solve problems, when there are. And assertiveness is probably your bes ally.
I hope you feel a little like this, now:
In the next post, we will see the catarthic theory collapse miserably under the lens of the experimental method.
First of all, an important distinction: anger is an emotion. Which then can turn into aggressive behavior.
Anger is an emotion that everyone feels, usually when someone else behaves badly with us. Usually, the more serious the behavior of others, the more we get angry.
When someone tries to kill us, for example, we are very very angry, and thank goodness that the transition to aggression is automatic. So we defend ourselves and stay alive.
The matter is born in the ocean, when in the evolution of life the small fish began not only to be afraid of the big fish, but also to get angry with him. And trying to hurt him, somehow.
Simplifying a little:
I'm afraid because you want me to eat, so I try to escape
But if I'm cornered, I get angry and try to hurt you as much as possible!
Anger that becomes aggression. Aggression is a defensive behavior that has the function of keeping us alive by doing as much harm as possible to the aggressor.
But we human beings get angry (and a lot) disproportionately. And this leads us to an aggression (mostly verbal) that has no advantage. Rather, it often complicates things absurdly. I hope that the reader has seen The big Lebowski and knows this fantastic scene:
But then when you get angry, what should you do? Keep everything inside? Of course not!!!
But rarely it is advisable to become aggressive.
The cathartic theory of anger ("Let the anger come out, like lava from a volcano!") is, scientifically speaking, bullshit. In the next post we will see the heavy limits of the catarthic theory. For now, this: you need to solve problems, when there are. And assertiveness is probably your bes ally.
I hope you feel a little like this, now:
In the next post, we will see the catarthic theory collapse miserably under the lens of the experimental method.
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